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Format, Edit and Translate
Tip: Manipulate sequences in various ways, such as formatting sequences, translation, reversing sequences, generating reverse-complementary sequences, and more.
My Sequence: Name:     » Save Temporarily    » Sign in to Save Permanently
    » From GenBank, files, etc.    » Annotate or View Translations    » Restriction Maps

Range: - (Selected:)
Tm (°C):
MW (g/mol):
Eps (µM/OD260):
Actions for Full Length Sequence:
Actions for Selected Sequence:
Copy Back:
Filter out non-IUPAC characters Generate reverse complementary sequence Format sequence (double strands) Translate frame 1 Translate frame 2 Translate frame 3 Translate frame -1 Translate frame -2 Translate frame -3 Replace source sequence with target sequence Insert target sequence at the beginning of source sequence Insert target sequence at the cursor position of source sequence Insert target sequence at the end of source sequence
  Insert target sequence into source sequence after the selected sequence Translate selected sequence Generate reverse sequence Generate complementary sequence Generate reverse complementary sequence
Action Output: