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GenBank Feature Qualifier
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Note: This file is extracted from NCBI
7.4 Appendix IV: Summary of qualifiers for feature keys

7.4.1 Qualifier  List
The following is a list of available qualifiers for feature keys and their 
The information is arranged as follows:

Qualifier       name of qualifier; qualifier requires a value if followed by 
                an equal sign
Definition      definition of the qualifier
Value format    format of value, if required
Example         example of qualifier with value
Comment         comments, questions and clarifications

Qualifier       /allele=
Definition      name of the allele for the given gene 
Value format    "text"
Example         /allele="adh1-1"
Comment         all gene-related features (exon, CDS etc) for a given 
                gene should share the same /allele qualifier value; 
                the /allele qualifier value must, by definition, be 
                different from the /gene qualifier value; when used with 
                the variation feature key, the allele qualifier value 
                should be that of the variant.

Qualifier       /anticodon=(pos:  ,aa:  )
Definition      location of the anticodon of tRNA and the amino acid for which
                it codes
Value format    pos:<base_range>,aa:<amino_acid> where base_range
                is the position of the anticodon and amino_acid is the
                abbreviation for the amino acid encoded
Example         /anticodon=(pos:34..36,aa:Phe)

Qualifier       /bound_moiety=
Definition      moiety bound
Value format    "text"
Example         /bound_moiety="repressor"

Qualifier       /cell_line=
Definition      cell line from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /cell_line="MCF7"

Qualifier       /cell_type=
Definition      cell type from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /cell_type="leukocyte"

Qualifier       /chromosome=
Definition      chromosome (e.g. Chromosome number) from which
                the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /chromosome="1"

Qualifier       /citation=
Definition      reference to a citation listed in the entry reference field
Value format    [integer-number] where integer-number is the number of the
                reference as enumerated in the reference field
Example         /citation=[3]
Comment         used to indicate the citation providing the claim of and/or
                evidence for a feature; brackets are used for conformity.

Qualifier       /clone=
Definition      clone from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /clone="lambda-hIL7.3"
Comment         not more than one clone should be specified for a given source 
                feature;  to indicate that the sequence was obtained from
                multiple clones, multiple source features should be given.

Qualifier       /clone_lib=
Definition      clone library from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /clone_lib="lambda-hIL7"

Qualifier       /codon=
Definition      specifies a codon which is different from any found in the
                reference genetic code
Value format    (seq:"codon-sequence",aa:<amino_acid>) where
                "codon-sequence" contains the bases of the codon 
                and <amino_acid> is the abbreviation for the translated amino 
                acid, the abbreviation for a modified unusual amino_acids from 
                section 7.5, or the word OTHER
Example         /codon=(seq:"ttt", aa:Leu)
Comment         used to specify unusual genetic codes, organellar codes, etc,
                that are different from the "normal" code for the organism;
                the codon specified by "seq" codes for the amino acid or stop
                codon specified by "aa";
                the codon that is specified is used throughout the CDS;
                amino acids that are not on the controlled vocabulary list 
                can be annotated by using "aa:OTHER" as the amino acid 
                designation, and by giving the name of the residue in a /note 
                qualifier; only nucleotides a, g, c or t can be used in 
                multiple /codon qualifiers should be used to describe ambiguous

Qualifier       /codon_start=
Definition      indicates the offset at which the first complete codon of a
                coding feature can be found, relative to the first base of that
Value format    1 or 2 or 3
Example         /codon_start=2

Qualifier       /cons_splice=
Definition      differentiates between intron splice sites that conform
                to the 5'-GT ... AG-3' splice site consensus
Value format    (5'site:<value>, 3'site:<value>), where <value> 
                can be 'YES', 'NO' or 'ABSENT'
Example         /cons_splice=(5'site:YES, 3'site:NO)
                /cons_splice=(5'site:ABSENT, 3'site:NO)
Comment         since the vast majority of splice sites conform to the 
                consensus, this qualifier should be used only when one 
                does not and the sequence has been checked; 'ABSENT' 
                can be used when one of the termini is not part of the 
                sequence and information on splice site is not 

Qualifier       /country=
Definition      country of origin for DNA sample, intended
                for epidemiological or population studies.
Value format    "any country from        
Example         "Canada"
Comment         /country should be a single token taken from the country list
                /country can also have the following format: country:sub_region,
                such as: /country="Canada:Vancouver".
Qualifier       /cultivar=
Definition      cultivar (cultivated variety) of plant from which sequence was 
Value format    "text"
Example         /cultivar="Nipponbare"
                /cultivar="Candy Cane"
Comment         'cultivar' is applied solely to products of artificial 
                selection;  use the variety qualifier for natural, named 
                plant and fungal varieties;  

Qualifier       /db_xref=
Definition      database cross-reference: pointer to related information in 
                another database.
Value format    "<database>:<identifier>" where database is
                the name of the database containing related information, and 
                identifier is the internal identifier of the related information
                according to the naming conventions of the cross-referenced 
Example         /db_xref="SWISS-PROT:P12345"
Comment         the complete list of allowed database types is kept on 
                NCBI's public WWW server, at URL: 

Qualifier       /dev_stage=
Definition      if the sequence was obtained from an organism in a specific 
                developmental stage, it is specified with this qualifier
Value format    "text"
Example         /dev_stage="fourth instar larva"

Qualifier       /direction=
Definition      direction of DNA replication
Value format    left, right, or both where left indicates toward the 5' end of
                the entry sequence (as presented) and right indicates toward
                the 3' end
Example         /direction=LEFT

Qualifier       /EC_number=
Definition      Enzyme Commission number for enzyme product of sequence
Value format    "text"
Example         /EC_number=""
Comment         valid values for EC numbers are defined in the list prepared
                by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Enzyme Nomenclature 
                (published in Enzyme Nomenclature 1984  New York: Academic 
                Press (1984) or a more recent revision thereof).

Qualifier       /ecotype
Definition      a population within a given species displaying genetically 
                based, phenotypic traits that reflect adaptation to a local 
Value Format    "text"
Example         /ecotype="Columbia"
Comment         an example of such a population is one that has adapted hairier
                than normal leaves as a response to an especially sunny habitat.
                'Ecotype' is often applied to standard genetic stocks of
                Arabidopsis thaliana, but it can be applied to any sessile 

Qualifier       /environmental_sample
Definition      identifies sequences derived by direct molecular
                isolation (PCR, DGGE, or other anonymous methods) from 
                an environmental sample with no reliable identification 
                of the source organism
Value format    none
Example         /environmental_sample
Comment         used only with the source feature key; source feature 
                keys containing the /environmental_sample qualifier 
                should also contain the /isolation_source qualifier.

Qualifier       /estimated_length
Definition      estimated length of the gap in the sequence
Value format    unknown
Example         /estimated_length=unknown
Comments        the gap feature key is currently only applied to the 
                gaps of unknown length; the value format for /estimated_length 
                will be extended in the next edition of the Feature Table 
                document (April 2004)

Qualifier       /evidence=
Definition      value indicating the nature of supporting evidence,
                distinguishing between experimentally determined and
                theoretically derived data
Value format    experimental, not_experimental
Example         /evidence=experimental
Comment         experimental indicates that the feature identification or
                assignment is supported by direct experimental evidence;
                not_experimental indicates that the data for the feature are
                derived (eg promotor as identified by consensus match). 

Qualifier       /exception=
Definition      indicates that the amino acid or RNA sequence
                will not translate or agree with the DNA  sequence according 
                to standard biological rules.
Value format    "text"
Example         /exception="RNA editing"
                /exception="reasons given in citation"
Comment         only to be used to describe biological mechanisms such 
                as RNA editing;  where the exception cannot easily be described 
                a published citation must be referred to; protein translation of
                /exception CDS will be different from the according conceptual 
                - must not be used where transl_except would be adequate,
                  e.g. in case of stop codon completion use:
                /note="TAA stop codon is completed by addition of 3' A 
                residues to mRNA".
                - must not be used for ribosomal slippage, instead use join 
                operator, e.g.: CDS   join(486..1784,1787..4810)
                /note="ribosomal slip on tttt sequence at 1784..1787"

Qualifier       /focus
Definition      defines the source feature of primary biological interest for 
                records that have multiple source features originating from 
                different organisms 
Value format    none
Example         /focus
Comment         the /focus qualifier identifies the organism which is 
                displayed in the organism line and determines the 
                DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank taxonomic division the entry will appear in;
                if no translation table is specified, the organism with /focus 
                will define the translation table; within an entry with several 
                source features, only one will exist with /focus on it;
                multi-source entries with a /transgenic source feature 
                do not require a /focus qualifier.

Qualifier       /frequency=
Definition      frequency of the occurrence of a feature
Value format    text representing the fraction of population carrying the
                variation expressed as a decimal fraction
Example         /frequency=".85"

Qualifier       /function=
Definition      function attributed to a sequence
Value format    "text"
Example         function="essential for recognition of cofactor"
Comment         /function is used when the gene name and/or product name do not 
                convey the function attributable to a sequence.

Qualifier       /gene=
Definition      symbol of the gene corresponding to a sequence region
Value format    "text"
Example         /gene="ilvE"
Comment         see O'Brien, S.J., ed., Genetic Maps 1987, Cold Spring Harbor
                or a recent revision.  

Qualifier       /germline
Definition      if the sequence shown is DNA and a member of the immunoglobulin 
                family, this qualifier is used to denote that the sequence is
                from unrearranged DNA. 
Value format    none
Example         /germline
Comment         /germline cannot be used in the same entry/record as /rearranged

Qualifier       /haplotype=
Definition      haplotype of organism from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /haplotype="Dw3 B5 Cw1 A1"

Qualifier       /insertion_seq=
Definition      insertion sequence element from which the sequence 
                was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /insertion_seq="IS-11"
Comment         /insertion_seq is legal on repeat_region feature key; 
Qualifier       /isolate=
Definition      individual isolate from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /isolate="Patient #152"

Qualifier       /isolation_source=
Definition      describes the physical, environmental and/or local
                geographical source of the biological sample from which
                the sequence was derived
Value format    "text"
Examples        /isolation_source="rumen isolates from standard 
                Pelleted ration-fed steer #67"
                /isolation_source="permanent Antarctic sea ice"
                /isolation_source="denitrifying activated sludge from
                carbon_limited continuous reactor" 
Comment         used only with the source feature key;
                source feature keys containing an /environmental_sample
                qualifier should also contain an /isolation_source
                qualifier; the /country qualifier should be used to 
                describe the country and major geographical sub-region.

Qualifier       /label=
Definition      a label used to permanently tag a feature
Value format    feature_label  
Example         /label=Alb1_exon1
Comment         feature labels follow the naming conventions
                for all feature table objects
                (see Sections 3.1 and 3.4)

Qualifier       /lab_host=
Definition      laboratory host used to propagate the organism from which the 
                sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /lab_host="chicken embryos"

Qualifier       /locus_tag
Definition      feature tag assigned for tracking purposes 
Value Format    "text"(single token)
Example         /locus_tag="RSc0382"
Comment         /locus_tag can be used with any feature where /gene is valid;  
                identical /locus_tag values may be used within an entry/record, 
                but only if the identical /locus_tag values are associated 
                with the same gene; in all other circumstances the /locus_tag 
                value must be unique within that entry/record.

Qualifier       /map=
Definition      genomic map position of feature
Value format    "text"
Example         /map="8q12-13"

Qualifier       /macronuclear
Definition      if the sequence shown is DNA and from an organism which 
                undergoes chromosomal differentiation between macronuclear and
                micronuclear stages, this qualifier is used to denote that the 
                sequence is from macronuclear DNA. 
Value format    none
Example         /macronuclear

Qualifier       /mod_base=
Definition      abbreviation for a modified nucleotide base
Value format    modified_base
Example         /mod_base=m5c
Comment         modified nucleotides not found in the restricted vocabulary
                list can be annotated by entering '/mod_base=OTHER' with
                '/note="name of modified base"'

Qualifier       /mol_type=
Definition      in vivo molecule type of sequence  
Value format    "genomic DNA", "genomic RNA", "mRNA", "tRNA", "rRNA",
                "snoRNA", "snRNA", "scRNA", "pre-RNA", "other RNA",
                "other DNA", "unassigned DNA", "unassigned RNA"
Example         /mol_type="genomic DNA"
Comment         these text values describe the in vivo molecule that has been
                sequenced and not the sequencing technique that has been used
                (e.g. mRNA is a valid value, cDNA is not);
                the value "genomic DNA" does not imply that the molecule is
                nuclear (e.g. organelle and plasmid DNA should be described 
                using "genomic DNA");
                ribosomal RNA genes should be described using "genomic DNA";
                "rRNA" should only be used if the ribosomal RNA molecule itself
                has been sequenced;
                /mol_type is mandatory on every source feature key;
                all /mol_type values within one entry/record must be the same;
                values "other RNA" and "other DNA" should be applied to 
                synthetic sequences, values "unassigned DNA", "unassigned 
                RNA" should be applied were in vivo molecule is unknown;

Qualifier       /note=
Definition      any comment or additional information
Value format    "text"
Example         /note="This qualifier is equivalent to a comment."

Qualifier       /number=
Definition      a number to indicate the order of genetic elements (e.g.,
                exons or introns) in the 5' to 3' direction
Value format    unquoted text (single token) 
Example         /number=4
Comment         text limited to integers, letters or combination of integers 
                and/or letters represented as an unquoted single token 
                (e.g. 5a, XIIb); any additional terms should be included in 
                Example:  /number=2A

Qualifier       /operon 
Definition      name of the operon the feature belongs to
Value format    "text"
Example         /operon="lac"
Comment         currently valid only on Prokaryota-specific features

Qualifier       /organelle= 
Definition      type of membrane-bound intracellular structure from which the 
                sequence was obtained
Value format    mitochondrion, nucleomorph, plastid, mitochondrion:kinetoplast,
                plastid:chloroplast, plastid:apicoplast, plastid:chromoplast,
                plastid:cyanelle, plastid:leucoplast, plastid:proplastid,
Examples        /organelle="mitochondrion"
Comments        modifier text limited to values from controlled list

Qualifier       /organism=
Definition      scientific name of the organism that provided the 
                sequenced genetic material.  
Value format    "text"
Example         /organism="Homo sapiens"
Comment         the organism name which appears on the OS or ORGANISM line 
                will match the value of the /organism qualifier of the 
                source key in the simplest case of a one-source sequence.  

Qualifier       /partial
Definition      differentiates between complete regions and partial ones
Value format    none
Example         /partial
Comment         not to be used for new entries from 15-DEC-2001;
                use '<' and '>' signs in the location descriptors to
                indicate that the sequence is partial. 

Qualifier       /PCR_conditions=
Definition      description of reaction conditions and components for PCR 
Value format    "text" 
Example         /PCR_conditions="Initial denaturation:94degC,1.5min"
Comment         used with primer_bind key

Qualifier       /phenotype=
Definition      phenotype conferred by the feature
Value format    "text"
Example         /phenotype="erythromycin resistance"

Qualifier       /pop_variant=
Definition      population variant from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /pop_variant="population variant name"

Qualifier       /plasmid=
Definition      name of plasmid from which sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /plasmid="C-589"

Qualifier       /product=
Definition      name of a product encoded by a sequence
Value format    "text"
Example         /product="catalase"

Qualifier       /protein_id=
Definition      protein identifier, issued by International collaborators.
                this qualifier consists of a stable ID portion (3+5 format
                with 3 position letters and 5 numbers) plus a version number
                after the decimal point.
Value format    <identifier>
Example         /protein_id="AAA12345.1"
Comment         when the protein sequence encoded by the CDS changes, only 
                the version number of the /protein_id value is incremented; 
                the stable part of the /protein_id remains unchanged and as a
                result will permanently be associated with a given protein;
                this qualifier is valid only on CDS features which translate
                into a valid protein. 

Qualifier       /proviral
Definition      if the sequence shown is viral and integrated into another
                organism's genome, this qualifier is used to denote that 
Value format    none
Example         /proviral
Comment         /proviral cannot be used in the same entry/record as /virion

Qualifier       /pseudo
Definition      indicates that this feature is a non-functional version of the
                element named by the feature key
Value format    none
Example         /pseudo

Qualifier       /rearranged
Definition      if the sequence shown is DNA and a member of the immunoglobulin 
                family, this qualifier is used to denote that the sequence is
                from rearranged DNA. 
Value format    none
Example         /rearranged
Comment         /rearranged cannot be used in the same entry/record as /germline

Qualifier       /replace=
Definition      indicates that the sequence identified a feature's intervals is
                replaced by the sequence shown in "text"; if no sequence is 
                contained within the qualifier, this indicates a deletion.
Value format    "text"
Example         /replace="a"

Qualifier       /rpt_family=
Definition      type of repeated sequence; "Alu" or "Kpn", for example
Value format    "text"
Example         /rpt_family="Alu"
Comment         preferred usage is to qualify the repeat_region instead of any
                of the constituent repeat_units

Qualifier       /rpt_type=<repeat_type>
Definition      organization of repeated sequence
Value format    tandem, inverted, flanking, terminal, direct, dispersed, and
Example         /rpt_type=INVERTED
Comment         preferred usage is to qualify the repeat_region instead of any
                of the constituent repeat_units.  definitions of these values
                will be added in a future release of this document.  see
                Singer, M.  Int Rev Cytol 76, 67-112 (1982); Cell 26, 293-95
                (1981); Hardman, N. Biochem J 234, 1-11 (1986).

Qualifier       /rpt_unit=
Definition      identity of repeat unit
Value format    "text" or  <base_range>
Example         /rpt_unit="aagggc"
Comment         used to indicate the literal sequence, or the base range of
                the sequence that constitutes a repeat_region or a single
                repeat_unit; the repeat family name should not be entered in
                /rpt_unit="text"; /rpt_family should be used instead.

Qualifier       /segment=
Definition      name of viral or phage segment sequenced
Value format    "text"
Example         /segment="6"

Qualifier       /serotype=
Definition      serological variety of a species characterized by its
                antigenic properties
Value format    "text"
Example         /serotype="B1"
Comment         used only with the source feature key;
                the Bacteriological Code recommends the use of the
                term 'serovar' instead of 'serotype' for the 
                prokaryotes; see the International Code of Nomenclature
                of Bacteria (1990 Revision) Appendix 10.B "Infraspecific

Qualifier       /serovar=
Definition      serological variety of a species (usually a prokaryote)
                characterized by its antigenic properties
Value format    "text"
Example         /serovar="O157:H7"
Comment         used only with the source feature key;
                the Bacteriological Code recommends the use of the
                term 'serovar' instead of 'serotype' for prokaryotes;
                see the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria
                (1990 Revision) Appendix 10.B "Infraspecific Terms".

Qualifier       /sex=
Definition      sex of the organism from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /sex="female"

Qualifier       /specific_host=
Definition      natural host from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /specific_host="Rhizobium NGR234"

Qualifier       /specimen_voucher=
Definition      an identifier of the individual or collection of the source
                organism and the place where it is currently stored, usually
                an institution.
Value format    "text"
Example         /specimen_voucher="Smith s. n. 4-IV-1995 (U. S. Natl.

Qualifier       /standard_name=
Definition      accepted standard name for this feature
Value format    "text"
Example         /standard_name="dotted"
Comment         use /standard_name to give full gene name, but use /gene to
                give gene symbol (in the above example /gene="Dt").

Qualifier       /strain=
Definition      strain from which sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /strain="BALB/c"

Qualifier       /sub_clone=
Definition      sub-clone from which sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /sub_clone="lambda-hIL7.20g"
Comment         the comments on /clone apply to /sub_clone

Qualifier       /sub_species=
Definition      name of sub-species of organism from which sequence was
Value format    "text"
Example         /sub_species="lactis"

Qualifier       /sub_strain=
Definition      sub_strain from which sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /sub_strain="abis"

Qualifier       /tissue_lib=
Definition      tissue library from which sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /tissue_lib="tissue library 772"

Qualifier       /tissue_type=
Definition      tissue type from which the sequence was obtained
Value format    "text"
Example         /tissue_type="liver"

Qualifier       /transgenic
Definition      identifies the source feature of the organism
                which was the recipient of transgenic DNA
Value format    none
Example         /transgenic
Comment         transgenic sequences must at least have two source 
                feature  keys; the source feature key describing the 
                organism of the recipient DNA must span the whole 
                sequence; the /transgenic qualifier identifies the 
                organism which is displayed in the organism line and 
                determines that the entry will appear in the 
                DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank Synthetic Construct division;
                multi-source entries including a /transgenic source 
                feature should not have a /focus qualifier.
Qualifier       /translation=
Definition      automatically generated one-letter abbreviated amino acid
                sequence derived from either the universal genetic code or the
                table as specified in /transl_table and as determined by
                exceptions in the /transl_except and /codon qualifiers
Value format    IUPAC one-letter amino acid abbreviation, "X" is to be used
                for AA exceptions.
Example         /translation="MASTFPPWYRGCASTPSLKGLIMCTW"
Comment         to be used with CDS feature only; this is a mandatory qualifier 
                to the CDS feature key except for /pseudo CDSs;
                see /transl_table for definition and location of genetic code

Qualifier       /transl_except=
Definition      translational exception: single codon the translation of which
                does not conform to genetic code defined by Organism and /codon=
Value format    (pos:location,aa:<amino_acid>) where amino_acid is the
                amino acid coded by the codon at the base_range position
Example         /transl_except=(pos:213..215,aa:Trp)
Comment         if the amino acid is not on the restricted vocabulary list use
                e.g., '/transl_except=(pos:213..215,aa:OTHER)' with
                '/note="name of unusual amino acid"';
                for modified amino-acid selenocysteine use three letter code
                'Sec'  (one letter code 'U' in amino-acid sequence)
                for partial termination codons where TAA stop codon is
                completed by the addition of 3' A residues to the mRNA
                either a single base_position or a base_range is used, e.g.
                if partial stop codon is a single base:
                if partial stop codon consists of two bases:
                /transl_except=(pos:2000..2001,aa:TERM) with
                '/note='stop codon completed by the addition of 3' A residues 
                to the mRNA'.

Qualifier       /transl_table=
Definition      definition of genetic code table used if other than universal
                genetic code table. Tables used are described in appendix V,
                section 7.5.5.
Value format    integer 
Example         /transl_table=4
Comment         genetic code exceptions outside range of specified tables are
                reported in /codon or /transl_except qualifiers; 
                1=universal table 1; 2=non-universal table 2; etc.

Qualifier       /transposon=
Definition      transposable element  from which the sequence was 
Value format    "text"
Example         /transposon="Tn9"
Comment         /transposon is legal on repeat_region feature key;  

Qualifier       /usedin=
Definition      indicates that the feature is used in a compound feature in
                another entry
Value format    Accession-number:feature-name or 
Example         /usedin=X10087:proteinx
Comment         database_name is an abbreviation for the name of the database
                in which the entry for the accession number can be found.

Qualifier       /variety
Definition      variety (= varietas, a formal Linnaean rank) of organism 
                from which sequence was derived.
Value format    "text"
Example         /variety="insularis"
Comment         use the cultivar qualifier for cultivated plant 
                varieties, i.e., products of artificial selection;
                varieties other than plant and fungal variatas should be
                annotated via /note, e.g. /note="breed:Cukorova"

Qualifier       /virion
Definition      viral genomic sequence as it is encapsidated (distinguished 
                from its proviral form integrated in a host cell's chromosome) 
Value format    none
Example         /virion
Comment         /virion cannot be used in the same entry/record as /proviral