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Import Sequences into Databases
Tip: Import multiple sequences from a compressed file and save all into databases.
  » Add one sequence at a time
* Sequence Files: Required!
  1. One file can contain multiple sequences, but each of them must be in GenBank format (start with LOCUS and end with "//").
  2. Multiple files can be compressed into one Zip file before uploading.
  3. Files not listed in the information box above will be imported by extracting name from LOCUS.
  Please paste your sequence information in the following box:

  1. Fields (up to 14) can be included in this order:
    File Name, Construct Name
    , Owner, Date, Type, Purpose, Host, Promoters, Cloning Regions, Expression Tags, Passed Digestions, Sequenced Regions, Sample Details, Notes.
  2. Fields must be seperated with Tab: You can directly copy contents from Excel.
  3. The first field must be File Name which matches the uploaded files. Make sure your files have unique names.